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The March 2004 issue of Communications of the ACM "Homeland Security" was read with great interest.   Many thoughtful articles describe the efforts in "intelligence gathering, protecting the global network infrastructure, and enhancing emergency response" as stated by the editor, Diane Crawford.  After reading the magazine I decided to submit a letter to the editor, and within an hour or so had captured six-hundred words of comments.  My concerns were not over the processes described in the articles, but rather what was missing completely.

Contacting the magazine, I discovered a letter to the editor is limited to two-hundred words and would not be published until the June issue.  I was invited to expand my comments to twelve-hundred words, but was informed a column of that size would not be published until after June.  It was also suggested I could submit both two-hundred and twelve-hundred words.  I have submitted a greatly reduced and very general letter of less than two-hundred words for the June issue as well as twelve-hundred words for a later issue.

I don't know if either or both (or neither) will be published, but my concern at this point is managers of software development, especially for critical systems, should be made aware of the issues involved immediately.  I have decided to temporarily utilize www.d50.org as a vehicle to self-publish this information.  I expect to add to this site as I receive comments concerning my expressed opinions. Please feel free to read any of the three versions and provide comments.

In conclusion, we are left with the impression that no one in the U.S. government security organizations had ever raised the issue of hijackers using an airplane as a weapon.  If someone prior to 9-11 had expressed concerns about the security risks from commercial aircraft I imagine they would have been branded as paranoid.  I believe my concerns are valid and hope to generate some degree if discourse on the topic.  I will soon add tool and process pages to help those desiring to examine their code.

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Copyright © 2004 Detection Five-0
Last modified: 04/03/04