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This transcription was created by the Harvard-Diggins Library
from original document held by MHS (#SC 1274)

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Keams Canon, Arizona
Feb 3, 1898

My own true loving little wife,

Receive three letters from you and glad to hear from you. Yes, I will go to California just as soon as I am through here. I expect to leave here this month. In a few days will be here with the Moqui two months. The Moqui don’t want me to go. Yesterday a Moqui, who speaks good English, came to see me and said all the Moqui people wanted to know if I wouldn’t stay here all the time. He said they all thought a great deal of me and it made them feel bad to have me go away. The Mojave are in Cal. at the Needles (2) and the Mission Indians are south of Los Angeles. Then I am going to the Yuma’s in the extreme southern part of Cal.

Do you get the Los Angeles Magazine regular my dear? And do you like it? Don’t know whether Uncle Ed will be in London or not, as they have gone to Egypt? I haven’t heard from them yet. I expect we will go to Munchen (Munich) after awhile.

I got $60.00 for the darkey picture, don’t know what Thurber got. He is having an exhibition of what pictures they have of mine on hand. I hope they will sell some more.

I’m painting another Snake Dancer picture now, finished the one of the Chief of the (3) Snake Dance. I am painting now the antelope, then I commence on the queerest costume ever painted, a katchina.

I sent to Chicago for alot of those mother of pearl flat shells, and the Moqui are crazy over them. They use them on their different costumes. I gave them to the Indians I have painted.

They like to have me come up on the Mesa and go in the houses to see them. I have fun with the Moqui girls and they are nice girls, lady like, and so quiet. They have the sweetest laugh. So many of them have kittens and all of them have dogs.

Well, I must close. Good night darling. Your own true loving husband.

Lots of love, hugs & kisses,


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