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This transcription was created by the Harvard-Diggins Library
from original document held by MHS (#SC 1274)

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Keams Canon, Arizona
Jan 17, 1898

My own true loving little wife,

I didn’t receive a letter from you in the last mail, but I probably will in the next. When do you intend to send the calendar? I am tired of waiting for it. I hope you have got the Art Amateur before this for yourself. I hope Thurber has sent you the money, and also hope Uncle Ed has sent the $25.00 to you before this, and he probably has.

Thurber wrote me they has sold another one of my darkies, this one called Peek a Boo of Ruth.

The German is going away (2) from here, to be gone a month or six weeks, but there happens to be an elderly woman here who is a matron. She teaches the Indians how to sew & to be clean, and she said I could board with her, which am glad of.

I have finished the little picture of girl holding the wooden God in her hands and have started another of a pretty Moqui girl. She is called Jewess because she looks like one. Her name is O-Ko-A-Po-Bi. When I am finished with her, the prettiest girl of all the Moqui sits for me in a Moqui bridal costume, which is very quaint.

It has been pretty cold here lately, 4 below zero and lots of snow. I don’t allow so many Indians in the room any (3) more, and keep the door locked.

I don’t believe Mrs. Hubbell ever received the handkerchiefs, my dear, as Mr. Hubbell wrote that the little boy received the toy. The handkerchiefs ought to have been sent by registered letter.

Well, my dear, I will close and go to bed as I am fearful tired. Goodnight darling. Your own true loving husband.

Lots of love, hugs & kisses,


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