The illustration here given of Mr. E. A. Burbanks work show him at his best. The color scheme and the handling in these two portraits are finer than in anything he has yet done, and rank them high as paintings aside from their value as historic portraits. The exhibition, which was discussed at length in these columns last Sunday, will continue for another week at Thurbers. The stirring battle piece reproduced here was drawn for Mr. Burbank by White Swan, a Crow Indian, famous for having been one of Renos scouts in the Custer fight. It represents the particular minute in that fight when White Swan shot a Sioux Indian. The Indians are naturally very fond of drawing, Mr. Burbank says, and were greatly astonished and impressed by his dexterity. M. S. N. |
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The Sunday Inter Ocean
October 24, 1897
Private Collection
Harvard, IL