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This transcription was created by the Harvard-Diggins Library
from original document held by MHS (#SC 1274)

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Gallup, New Mexico
November 18, 1897

My own true loving little wife.

I left Laguna at 1:05 this morning and arrived here at 4:10 this morning, so I didn’t have much sleep. I had a nice time at Laguna. There is plenty of work for me there and I intend to stop off there on my way back and go to Acoma, the place it speaks of in the magazine I subscribed to for you.

I got fine pictures at Laguna, all of them very saleable. I got an Indian, the head man of the pueblo, to paint up and fix up for me. He fixed up for a dance they (2) call the Xmas war dance. He fixed up different than any Indian I ever saw. His face painted funny and he had on big green bracelets on his arms. Then he had evergreens stuck around on his body and held a big green round medicine rattle in his hand.

I sent a lot of beautiful pottery to Chicago by freight to Sibley Warehouse where our things are. I found a letter here for me from Uncle Ed. He gave me a letter to Mr. Cotton here who has an Indian store. I bought some fine genuine Navajo rugs from him awfully cheap. (3)

Tomorrow I leave here for a place called Ganado, Arizona (Apache county) 60 miles by wagon to the Navajo reservation. Mr. Cotton has a ranch there and I will stop at his place. The mail only goes there once a week, so you will only hear from me once a week. I will get some fine subjects there among the Navajos. This is where they weave their blankets. McNeil & Brown were here, and on top of, or in a niche in the building where Mr. Cotton has his store, is a big Indian chief McNeil made.

When I get through with (4) Ganado I will go to the Moqui (Hopi) Indians, 60 miles more by wagon. Then I will return here and go to the Zuni’s, so I am likely to be here quite a long time.

I received a second letter from you at Laguna and glad to hear from you. The hold up on the train happened the same night I arrived in Albuquerque, but on a train going east. We were to meet the train at Albuquerque, but it didn’t come along until the next forenoon. Haven’t seen any consumption (tuberculosis) since left Albuquerque. There is one station out here they call "one lung" on account of the consumption there. (5)

Mrs. Hansen’s address is Mrs. Mary Hansen, 404 Kickapoo Street, Lincoln, Ills. I wrote and told her if she would pay $12.00 I would call the account square, which was her own proposition, then I waited several months and she didn’t pay, so wrote and told her if she would send $8.00 right off I would call the account square. She didn’t send it, so I think she ought to pay $12.00, but if she pays $8.00, let it go. Has Mr. Mulligan sent the money for the furniture? He said he would send it soon.

I saw a Navajo kitty this morning in Mr. Cotton’s store, he was sound asleep on a pile (6) of Navajo rugs. I petted him awhile, he liked to have me rub his head.

I have got about six fine genuine Navajo blankets and paid for the smallest $1.00 and the largest $5.00. When Uncle Ed comes out here they charge him like the duce. but they don’t me. Well darling, I will close now. Send my love to a your folks. Goodbye my dear.

Your own true loving husband,

Lots of love hugs & kisses. Address me to Ganado Arizona (Apache county)

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