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This transcription was created by the Harvard-Diggins Library
from original document held by MHS (#SC 1274)

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Crow Agency, Montana
July 2, 1897

My own true loving little wife,

I arrived here today via Billings. I stopped at Ft. Custer 11 miles from here 3 or 4 hours to see Jim Campbell, Sheridan ’s favorite scout. Had a nice visit with him. This place is a perfect paradise for me, all the people are so kind to me and they showed me war bonnets and Indian costumes until (2) I got tired of looking at them and told me I could use them any time. They told me that the Crows here, the greater part of them, paint their faces and wear feathers and their native clothes and that I would have no trouble in getting them to sit. But just now there is not a single Indian here. They have a ten days leave and have gone to Sheridan for the 4th but will return the 6th, so tomorrow I am going 40 miles by wagon on the Little Horn river. There are a thousand Indians to be there and every (3) single one of them is to be in war paint and they are to have war dances on the 4th. I will stay there a while and paint some of them and return here. I met a man in Billings this morning who has charge of the place and he has invited me to come. I have a nice place to stop here. You can see the Custer monument from here, where the Custer battle as fought. The places is 3 miles from here. I was there this afternoon on my wheel, went all over the place. The government has a man stationed there to explain things to strangers. It is the most (4) beautiful place way up a hill and Custer and his men were at the extreme top of the hill and if the Indians had been ten Indians to one soldier the soldiers would of whipped, as they had a great advantage in location. The Indians had to climb the hill on all sides except one side. But there were thousands and thousands of Indians. There is an Indian scout here who saw the fight. Am going to paint him and have him tell me all about it. Chief Gaul, who had charge of the Indians, told Mr. Barstow here all (5) about the fight. Then the man whom I live with was on the battlefield right after the fight and he said he got some fine Indians things that he stripped from the dead bodies. After I get through here am going to the Cheyenne Indians 60 miles from here by wagon. Those are the Indians they have had trouble with lately. Soldiers are there now, but they are all right and a man is perfectly safe among them. When I am through here will then go further west and then will return to Billings and pass through here on (6) the Burlington Road for 350 miles to the Pine Ridge Agency where the scouts are. Am not at all satisfied with my trip to Ft. Yates. They are too civilized there but at Pine Ridge they are not. “Rain-in-the-face” and others told me the Indians there are like here, wear native clothes and paint up. “Rain-in-the-face” told me his costume was there, he gave it to an Indian. Pine Ridge is 40 miles from railroad. When am through at Pine Ridge will catch a ride with some Indian and go with him for 200 miles by wagon to Rock Creek where I was and get the Indians (7) I want there. Now they are busy with the 4th and there are some six celebrated chiefs (I) want. Then will go right on to Ft. Yates and Cannon Ball to Bismarck all on my way to Chicago. It will the better and cheaper to do this than to go to St. Paul and come back some 500 miles to Pine Ridge. Remington and De Forest Brush and Shirlaw have been here. Brush was here a long time, they tell funny stories here about him. I just wish you could see the beautiful costumes and bead work here. Can buy beautiful moccasins (8) here for 50 cents that at Ft. Sill would cost $3.00 and $4.00. I wrote to Uncle Ed to send you $50.00 so you can square up with Will. I think you had better keep my letters. Have you those I wrote at Ft. Sill my dear? No one has any idea the tramping one has to do to get these Indians. I went 80 miles by wagon to get “Rain-in-the-face”. I followed him right up to where he camped and he knew it and laughed when he saw me. Before I leave for the west (9) have to go to Billings and take the stage for 30 miles for one celebrated Indian named Chief Plenty Coups and return to Billings and go in another direction 25 miles for Chief Pretty Eagle. Well I must close and go to bed as am tired out. You can address me to Crow Agency, Montana. Goodnight darling. Your own true loving husband.

Lots of love hugs & kisses,


Enclosed send you an account of Custer fight, it speaks of “Rain-in-the-face” be sure and send it right back as I will see “Rain-in-the-face” again and am going to have an interpreter read it to him and then ask have some questions. Your loving husband.

P.S. enclose send you “Rain-in-the-face” autograph he wrote it for me be sure and don’t lose it.

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